Palindrome in Lisp

Here’s my version of palindrome for lisp problems 99 no 06 found here

(defun last1 (lst)
  (car (last lst)))

(defun palin1 (lst)
  (if (equal nil lst)
  (let ((start (first lst)) (finish (last1 lst)))
    (if (equal start finish)
    (palin1 (rest (butlast lst)))

5 thoughts on “Palindrome in Lisp

  1. an iterative approach

    (defun make-palindrome(list)
    (if (= (length list) 1)
    (dotimes (count (length list) list)
    (setf list (append list (list (nth (- (length list) (+ count (+ count 1))) list))))

  2. A solution using mapcar and reduce

    (defun is-palindrome (lst)
    (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (if (and x y) t nil))
    (mapcar #’eql lst (reverse lst))))

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